You know what is really boring... Those screen shotted testimonials that brands constantly post all over socials (like how do we know they're not your friends writing them Cassidy? - spoiler alert... We don't). 

You know what is less boring.. Seeing gals tape up their titties and showing that the product actually works and doesn't take a degree in neuroscience to work out how to use it!


Essentially we would love (love love love) you to take a quick video of putting your tape on and send it to us (the whole process start to finish). You don't need to edit it, you don't need a fancy camera, photo studio or anything ridiculous. You just need some sort of recording device (most probably a phone) put your tape on and film it start to finish and then send it over to us. 

Upload it anywhere on the cloud and email the link to or DM it to Chris on Instagram (don't worry only we Chris & Lisa have access to this account, and there are no boobs on the planet that will shock us!)

Then we will review, edit and send it back to you for your approval. We will pay you either into your bank account or Paypal account once both you and us have approved it. And we will send you out heaps more tape for free!

If you can't be bothered reading the above - here's the summary:

  1. Let us know your keen
  2. Upload to the cloud and send us your video
  3. We will edit and send back
  4. Pay you!
  5. Send you a whole lotta more tape!